Updates on Athletic News and Notes in Connecticut
CAAD RETIRED AD REQUIREMENTS: -Life membership CAAD Gold Cards for retired athletic directors were initiated in 1996, at which time 34 cards were distributed. There are 179 retired athletic directors who have been awarded Gold Cards, including 25 deceased.
As of June 2018, the average number of years that our retired AD’s have served our schools is 19.16 and 3,430 total years served.
To be eligible for a Gold Card you must have been an athletic director for a minimum of five years in Connecticut and be retired from teaching. Retiring from teaching and becoming a part-time athletic director makes you ineligible, as well as retiring from the AD position and continuing to teach. Those people will be eligible when they fully retire. You also must complete the process by submitting an information form supplied by CAAD. Gold Cards are presented at the May breakfast meeting. .
CAAD does not isuue CIAC passes, only Gold Cards that admit you to all interscholastic contests except CIAC tournaments. CAAD Gold Card members can obtain a tournament games pass on a game by game basis by contacting the CIAC. The CIAC has a list of all Gold Card members that are eligible to receive a tourney game pass. For more info contact - josephmonroe91@yahoo.com
STATE OF CONNECTICUT-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH: REPORT ON ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELDS: - For those of you needing information about chemicals found in Rubber filled fields and crumb rubber Click Here |
CAAD MODULES AND CIAC/CHSCA WORKSHOPS MERGE: - In June 2007 President Dorwin signed an agreement officially merging the 2 leading coaching education programs in the state. This alliance will be called the CONNECTICUT COACHING EDUCATION PROGRAM and will be under the direction of CAAD Executive Director Fred Balsamo. Questions can be forwarded to the CAAD office at (203) 651-3921 or by email fbalsamo@casciac.org . |